Monday, September 13, 2010

Even more new books!

The second half of my Book Depository order arrived today, so I'm over the moon. There are quite a few new authors in there that I want to try out, but it's going to be a while before I actually get around to reading them.  I guess that goes with having an ever increasing to-read list!

 But wait!  That's not all.  Another package was also waiting for me at the Post Office.  I wonder what it could be?

Another collection of books!  These are some secondhand copies I picked up from an online auction site.  They are in great condition and the price was low enough to convince me to overspend on my book budget (yet again!).

So now I have eleven new arrivals to find some space for.  I really should get a MUCH larger bookshelf sometime soon!


  1. Wow Great books!!

    My boyfriend just finished the Mistborn series and he enjoyed it a lot. I hope you do too :)


  2. Oh, Iron Council is one of my favorite books ever! And Cryptonomicon? Totally insane read, but got me completely addicted to Neal Stephenson.

    yes, the ever increasing tbr list. i've to just calling it the library.
